Dear Parents/Guardians,
Audeo Charter School’s Leadership Team is closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic. All Resource Centers and offices are now open with effective COVID-19 safety protocols in place. If you have any questions please call us directly at (858) 678-2050. The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff are our priority.
Check back here regularly to stay up-to-date with important information.
With evolving information about the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, we understand that a lot of information circulating through the community may create or increase stress and anxiety. Please do not forget that your student’s Teacher and Support Staff are available to provide ongoing assistance for your student and family during this challenging time.
Please ensure that the information you gather is from reliable sources. Please take the time to review the resources below to help you and your family stay informed and maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.
The California Parent and Youth Helpline: provides support and resource referrals to parent and youth during the current COVID-19 pandemic, 7-days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Call or text 1-855-4APARENT (855-427-2736) for services in English, Spanish and other languages. For more information, please visit:
COVID-19 Latest News
For the most up-to-date information from health officials, please reference the following web-sites below
- Centers for Disease and Control Updates: How to protect yourself, if you think you are sick, older adults & medical conditions, preparing your family & community resources? Visit
- San Diego County Public Health Officials Have Issued Orders To Prevent The Spread Of The Coronavirus Disease/COVID-19. A state-wide order issued March 19th expands on parts of the local order.
- World Health Organization (WHO) Updates:
- State & Nationwide Cases & Latest Updates:
Consult With Your Health Provider: Call your doctor if you or a family member is experiencing symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath. Symptoms may appear 2 – 14 days after exposure. Individuals with COVID-19 have experienced mild to severe respiratory illness.
If you would like to speak to the Nurse from your student’s Resource Center, please call (858)678-4803.
Download "CA Meals for Kids" App
Available Food Resources
CalFresh online shopping w/delivery to start 4/28/20:
State of California (CDSS) passed a waiver that will allow people on CalFresh to use their benefits for online grocery shopping w/delivery. Online shopping/delivery should be available 4/28/20. More details including informational flyers at:
Action needed:
- Let any of your clients currently on CalFreshthat they will be able to shop online through Walmart and Amazon effective 4/28/20.
- Be sure your clients not receiving CalFreshbenefits get the help they need.
A few ways to do that:
- Submit your contact information hereand a Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank CalFresh team member will reach out to you for pre-screening and application. (click on AM I ELIGIBLE green button).
- Connect with other community basedorganizations that can assist:
- Submit your own application and required documents online:
Speak To A Live, Highly-Trained Service Professional In Your Area: Call/dial 2-1-1 for resources near you such as food, housing, financial assistance, mental healthcare, physical/medical healthcare, prescription resources and other essential needs. All calls are confidential. Accessible 24 hours/7 days a week/365 days a year. 180 languages available.
San Diego County Office of Education:
Any student age 2 to 18 can go to any school site providing meals and receive food during this period of school closures due to COVID-19. For pick up locations, please visit:
Food Banks:
The San Diego Food Bank offers The Neighborhood Distribution Program. They distribute food at more than 20 different sites throughout San Diego County. The majority of the food distributed consists of fresh fruits and vegetables which is part of the Food Bank’s Nutrition Initiative to provide healthy, nutrient-rich food to our clients. Neighborhood Distribution Program sites welcome anyone in need of food assistance. I.D. and documentation ARE NOT required, and there are no income or asset restrictions for this program.
For a list of distribution centers:
- SAN DIEGO Food Bank:
Feeding San Diego:
Feeding San Diego is committed to connecting every person facing hunger with nutritious meals, especially in times of crisis. We are working diligently to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and provide food resources to those impacted. Feeding San Diego works with hundreds of distribution partners to provide food and resources to the community. Our Mobile Pantry travels throughout San Diego County to reach areas with limited access to transportation.
Text “food” or “comida” to 877-877 to find the nearest site
2-1-1 San Diego connects you with community, health and disaster services through a free, 24/7 stigma-free phone service and searchable database.
Simply dial 2-1-1 or search the online database for local food distribution centers.
Health & Wellness
HERE is a good round up of resources for Wellness. This includes:
- Mental Health Services and Resources
- Immediate Response Services and Resources
- Resources for Parents (educational, community,academic)
- General Information on COVID-19
That Discomfort or Stress You’re Feeling May Be Grief: This is a very helpful article that explains the stress-related grief individuals may likely be going through during this pandemic.
Tips To Remain ‘Sane And Safe’ During Social Distancing: It is very important to keep a balanced lifestyle while we practice social distancing. Be patient, as we are all still transitioning. Here are very helpful ways to feel balanced everyday:
Taking Care Of Your Emotional Health:
Coping With A Disaster Or Traumatic Event:
Personalized Family Media Use Plan: Media and gaming should work within your family values & parenting style. It is important that technology use does not displace important activities such as family-time, outdoor-play, exercise, downtime and sleep. Here is a tool to help your family use technology within reason:
Internet Access Plans - Availability for Students and Parents
Here is the most up-to-date comprehensive list of internet access plans for students and families:
This is helpful for families who have hardware but may not have internet OR are financially insecure during these times.
Best Practices for Everyday Preventative Actions
Please take good care of yourselves and your family. The following are precautions are every day preventative actions:
- Stay home when sick.
- Remain home until fever at or over 100.4F has been gone for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medicines (i.e. Tylenol/acetaminophen, Motrin/Ibuprofen, etc.)
- Seek immediate medical care with symptoms of high fever or difficulty breathing.
- Cover your cough & sneeze with tissue or directly inside your elbow.
- Wash hands frequently, with soap, for at least 20 seconds.
- Routinely disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Encourage flu vaccine for those who have not received it yet. It will not prevent the coronavirus but it will prevent or reduce symptoms of influenza.
- The CDC suggests you stay at least 6 feet away from anyone who appears sick to minimize the risk of becoming ill.
- Please keep in mind that these precautions will also be helpful in preventing the spread of influenza and gastroenteritis/stomach flu.
- Cleaning & Disinfecting Frequently Touched Surfaces:
Child Care Resources
Looking for Child Care?
Call the statewide consumer education hotline at 1-800-KIDS-793 to speak to an information specialist who can answer your general child care questions, or connect you with your local resource and referral agency (available in English and Spanish)
Visit the California Child Care Resource and Referral (R&R) web site and find a local child care specialist:
YMCA Childcare Resource Service Providing Referrals to Families Seeking Childcare During School Closures
- San Diego County families looking for care can call 1-800-481-2151 to discuss their child care needs with an advisor, who will complete a specialized search to identify the licensed child care options. Advisors will call providers on the family’s behalf to see which providers have open slots and may meet their needs best.
- Advisors are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Families can also conduct online searches themselves by visiting
¿Busca cuidado de niños?
Llame a la línea directa estatal de educación para consumidores al 1-800-KIDS-793 para hablar con un especialista en información que pueda responder a sus preguntas generales de cuidado infantil, o conectarlo con su agencia local de recursos y referencias (disponible en inglés y español).
Visite el sitio web de California Child Care Resource and Referral (R&R) y encuentre un especialista local en cuidado infantil:
El Servicio de Recursos de Cuidado Infantil de YMCA esta proporcionando referencias a familias que buscan cuidado infantil durante los cierres Escolares
- Las familias del Condado de San Diego que buscan atención pueden llamar al 1-800-481-2151 para discutir sus necesidades de cuidado infantil con un asesor, quien completará una búsqueda especializada para identificar las opciones de cuidado infantil con licencia. Los asesores llamarán a los proveedores en nombre de la familia para ver qué proveedores tienen espacios abiertos y pueden satisfacer mejor sus necesidades.
- Los asesores están disponibles de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. Las familias también pueden realizar búsquedas en línea por sí mismas visitando